- 1.9 R9:
- vs1053b code cleaning
- On some old vs1003/vs1053 boards, loading the vs1053 patch result in no sound because the vs1053 board resetted to the midi mode. Corrected now.
- Setting panel correction.
- 1.9 R8:
- 1.9 R7:
- New vs1053b patch Rev 2.9 .
- 1.9 R6:
- 1.9 R5:
- json parsing correction for char " in a string
- 1.9 R4:
- LWIP layer tuned. Better errno 11 computing.
- 1.9 R3:
- Instant play: new button "Add/Edit", and update fields on cli commands.
- 1.9 R2:
- AP mode no working. A wrong lwip was the cause. Now is working.
- 1.9 R1:
- Keyboard on web page correction.
- cli.list correction.
- 1.9 R0:
- Use of the RTOS SDK 2.0.0.
- 1.8 R2:
- Attempt to tune the scarse memory!.
- 1.8 R1:
- Corrected: Drag/drop and save list on web edit panel.
- 1.8:
- New edit panel with play/stop control
- New volume control on web with Ctrl arrow keys
- New upgrade indication on telnet, serial and web
- Web page look changed (a bit),
- Added the TZO on the setting page
- Added the mDNS hostname on the setting page
- 1.7.1: Title on the web page
- 1.7 : mDNS added, web commands next and prev, cli.host command added
- 1.6.3: Correction for stations with the char & in path.
- 1.6.2: R4 ntp server changed.
- 1.6.2: R3 removes a bug on telnet whick block the web display..
- 1.6.2: Add of the rssi (Received Signal Strength Indication -30:best, -99:worst) at top right of the web page.
- 1.6.1: Click on the header to rewind to the top
- Header stays on top of the web page
- gzipped html tranfert. More stable and improved speed
- The page content follows the header size.
Release 1.5.2
- Deeply tuned and optimized
- Added: a button erase on the station edit
- Little change of the menu labels.
- If the same meta is repeated in the stream, it is filtered
- telnet server now accepts the negociation.
- Only one task for all servers: websocket, web interface and telnet.
- Optimized threshold to start playing.It depends now of the size of the reception buffer.
- New web command: version, infos and list. See the interface.txt file on setting menu.
Release 1.4.2
- Unable to make the Espressif RTOS SDK 1.5.0-dev working, so I fed up.
- This 1.4.2 is able to play every 320Kb/s stations.
- New command: sys.version : Display the current Release and Revision.
- As always, more free ram memories. The websocket and telnet tasks are now one task for both.
- The web interface loading speed is improved.
- cli.list doesn't display anymore empty slot of stations.
Release 1.4
- A telnet server multi clients on port 23. It is the same interface as the uart one. So the low level management can be done via the network and it offer a complete interface for remote addons.
- A deep modification of the memory management. More free room.
- new commands: help and sys.adc.
- The web volume command is now on a POST if the websocket is not ready.
- a problem on the web interface close resolved.
Release 1.3.4
- Internal optimization on websocket. More free ram for the web interface multi-user.
- 1.3.3 A problem when a control panel and an addon are present is removed
- 1.3.3A problem with the AP2 password not working is removed (regression).
Release 1.3.2
- The test task is replaced with an os timer to have more free memories
- Edit station now in modal window
- Added a mouse event on full url
- Many internal optimizations
- New control buttons on the web interface
- A potential huge bug removed
Release 1.2.2
- Volume correction for the control panel.
- The volume is now saved every second if needed (less stress for the flash).
- Stability
- New uart command:
Send a ntp request and Display the current locale time.
- New uart command:
Display or change the timezone offset. See Interface.txt.
- New No needs to parse the url of stations on the web interface. Now it can be done automatically.
Release 1.1.8
- New uart command: cli.info Display nameSet, all icy and volume. Used to synchronize the lcd extension.
- cli.list command modified.
Release 1.1.7+
- Now Both AP SSID and AP Password are encoded to permit special characters like & : etc
- "Restore stations" corrected for some heavy lists
- Station information now gives the number of the current station
- retry client connection modified to avoid blocking situation.
- (1.1.7+) Volume offset on playlist was not working.
Release 1.1.6
- Modification of the list of uart command. See uart and html interfaces
- New sys.patch command. Inhibit or permit (default) the load of a vs1053 patch for AAC stations.
- New sys.led command. Default is blinking mode, or Play mode: the led is on when a station is playing.
- Modification of the wifi.con command. Now the AP can be set in the AP mode ( without the need of the web interface.
- New print button on the Stations panel: Print the list of stations, number and name.
- New logo ;-)
Release 1.1.5
- Modification of the list of uart command. See uart and html interfaces
- New IR and LCD software
- Autoplay corrected
Release 1.1.4
- Now 2 AP's can be set. The second one will be tested if the first is not detected.
- The Mac address of the radio is displayed
- An offset volume can be set for each station in Station editor.
- Pb on Autostart not correctly checked: corrected
- Added: a reset button for the equalizer
- Added a new uart command: cli.boot
Release 1.1.3
- New html command: instant="http://your url"
- The path of a station can now include some & parameters.
Release 1.1.2
- uart command list now can take a parameter: the number of the station to display.
.If no parameter, the complete list is sent.
- New wake and sleep features. Two modes: Time mode: "hh:mm" to wake or sleep at a given hour, or the delay mode "mm".
- Many minors html adjustments.
- Many bugs removed thanks to users feedback's.
Release 1.1.1
- The user agent for http request can be set for some special streams.
   Example: http://pcradio.ru/player/listradio/pcradio_ru.xml which need a user agent= pcradio.
   This pcradio user agent is already implemented automatically in the code when a pcradio station is encountered.
- Better station start and stop. (no more strange noises).
- Many bugs removed thanks to users feedback's.
Release 1.1.0
- Drag an drop on the stations list: rearrange the list by dragging a line to another one. Save the change when asked.
- Themes toggle between light blue and dark marron theme with a click on the logo.
- Sleep mode to stop the play after a delay.
- Functions on the web page are optimized.
- Many minor improvements on the code and the web page.
Release 1.0.10
- New uart interface command: cli.uart("x")
With x the uart baudrate at the next reset and permanently.
List of valid baudrate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 76880, 115200, 230400
The command will reply with
##CLI.UART= 115200# on the next reset.
- New Station selection with number
- Stations management in one page
- abort button on station edition.
- The I2S interface was not working. Thanks Discover1977 for the test
Release 1.0.9
- New html interface see uart and html interfaces
- New I2S external DAC interface on the vs1053. The I2S is enabled by default to 48kHz. To change the speed permanently use the uart interface with the command
cli.i2s("x") with x =0 for 48kHz, x=1 for 96kHz and x=2 for 192kHz
The i2s interface is available on the alientek vs1053 with i2s_sclk on SCLK (GPIO16), i2s_sdata on SDIN (GPIO07), i2s_mclk on MCLK (GPIO05), i2s_lrout on LRCK (GPIO04).
- New Autostart: If autoplay is checked on the web interface, the current station is started at power on even with no web browser.
Release 1.0.8
- Corrected:
Some chunked html stations was wrong.
If no metadata, the station name is displayed in place
A station not found is indicated in the name on the web interface
Release 1.0.7
- Corrected: The webstation lists was wrong on empty station.
Release 1.0.6
- New sdk patch from Espressif see http://bbs.espressif.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=2349
- Now the maximum number of stations is 256
- Detection of external ram is working. If your chip has a /Vhold in place of /VBAT, the pin 7 must be wired to VCC (pin8)
- Save stations from... now working with the right filename for edge browser
- The AP Password field is masked.
- Increased spi clock for external ram